Jesse Groves
Aerospace Engineer, Monte Sano Research Corporation
Statement of Purpose
- I am an aerospace engineer at Monte Sano Research Corporation in Huntsville, AL. I hold a Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Arizona, where I specialized in hypersonic wind tunnel testing and the study of shock/boundary layer interactions.
Currently, my work focuses on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for high-speed flight vehicles, with an emphasis on supersonic air-breathing inlets and isolators. I am dedicated to advancing my expertise in this field, contributing to the development of cutting-edge aerodynamic technologies for next-generation aerospace systems.
- Graduated from the University of Arizona in Winter 2025 as a Graduate Research Assistant with a Master's degree in aerospace engineering.
- Research focusing in hypersonic wind tunnel experimentation - specifically in swept shock boundary layer interactions (Swept SBLI). This research is very relevant for inlets and isolators of hypersonic airbreathing propulsion systems.
- Lead graduate student in charge of characterizing new Arizona Polysonic Wind Tunnel (APWT) flow profile, designed new components to be used in APWT, and worked on programs to control tunnel.
- Developed methods to collect mean static pressure measurements, infrared thermography (IR) measurements, and oil flow visualization methods in APWT.
- Conducted experiments using IR camera to compare the physical properties of PEEK and 10K resin for cycling of high temperature wind tunnel testing.
- The wind tunnel behind me is a polysonic blowdown tunnel, and it is the largest facility of its kind in academia! This tunnel will have the capability to go from subsonic, transonic, supersonic, and hypersonic - i.e. polysonic.
- Graduated from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in Spring 2022 with a bachelor of science degree in honors aerospace engineering. While at UTK, I was involved in several clubs and organizations. If you would like go more in-depth into any of these, look at the links above.
- Active member of the UTK chapter of AIAA - a national organization committed to helping students learn more about the aerospace field and get connected to professionals.
- Worked on the UTK team of NASA's RASC-AL Mars Ice Challenge to design and build the chasis of a robot intended to collect water from under the surface of Mars.
- Worked as an undergraduate Research Assistant tasked with designing the structural components of a laminar flow airfoil.
- Worked with a group of undergraduates and professionals on NASA's University Leadership Initiative (ULI) to write and plan aerospace lessons for K-12 students.
- Lead my senior capstone group to design and test a balloon assisted launch system, more commonly known as a rockoon. The goal of this project is to help make it much more efficient to launch a payload into orbit by lifting a rocket above most of the atmosphere before launching. Rockoons are best for putting microsatelites into orbit much cheaper, and easier than previously done before.
Special Accomplishments
- Graduated with honors from the Cook Grand Challenge Honors program for my bachelor of science - requiring harder courses, volunteer work, and extra courses outside of my major to ensure a more diverse skill-set.
- Received Distinguished Tennessean Award.
- Awarded University of Arizona Graduate College Fellowship for the 2022-2023 academic year.
- Presented facilities to Mrs. Katie Hobbs - the governor of Arizona - to show her and her team a little bit about our wind tunnel facilities at the University of Arizona.
Bio and Other Interests
- The quote that I will always remember is this:
"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift." - Steve Prefontaine
I have taken this to heart and use it as inspiration in everything I do in life. I have always said I may not be the best in the room, but I will work the hardest and give all I have to be the best. From sports to academia to fitness, I have always given my best
and refuse to produce work that I am not proud of. I believe that life is meant to be challenging, and if we do not challenge ourselves, we can never grow to be our best.
Thank you for reviewing my CV. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have for me. My contact info is listed below.